Internal and shaft grinding
This service ensures the suitable preparation of metal surfaces, workpieces and structural elements having simple or complex shapes, as well as tools used on a large scale in industry.
We use professional, technologically advanced grinding wheels and other machine tools that enable us to precisely grind internal shapes and shafts, gearwheels, body guides, angle guide supports, worktables, cutters of different types, drill bits, screw taps as well as the surfaces of other metal elements, including large-scale ones, and the blades of various machine tools. During this process, the final properties of the products are formed or their functionalities restored, which is key to the success of their planned application.
Abrasive tools are used both to achieve the required surface finish of a component and its precision in terms of dimension and shape, as specified in the technical documentation.
For the grinding of shafts and internal shapes, we have the capacity to machine elements characterised by the following parameters:
Maximum parameters for grinding internal shapes:
maximum diameters of 640 mm and lengths of 280 mm -
Maximum parameters for grinding shafts:
processed shaft lengths: up to 4,000 mm
processed shaft diameters: up to 800 mm
We guarantee the highest standards of service, timely delivery of orders and precision of all performed operations.